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Blue Manta Wash Down Facility, Perth, WA

Blue Manta International Limited is a global oil and gas service company with its head office in Aberdeen Scotland. In Australia, it is represented by a sales and service operation to provide support to customers in the southern hemisphere.

Project Design Brief

For a new washdown area, both stormwater and wastewater comprising oils and fuels had to be intercepted and efficiently removed from the apron area. A trench drain was required to be installed in a concrete slab and be robust enough to be constantly trafficked by trucks and forklifts.

ACO's Solution


  • Each modular unit of the trench drain can be assembled to produce a 0.5% sloped run to ensure efficient drainage in flat pavements.
  • Iron Slotted grates are designed and tested to Class G (AS 3996) to withstand the heavy and regular wheel loads of trucks and forklifts.
  • Anti-shunt lugs secure each grate from movement and dislodgement from wheel movements and braking.
  • The ductile iron edge rail ensures maximum strength and protection for the channel body whilst providing a sturdy restraining edge for the concrete slabs.
Blue Manta Wash Down Facility
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