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Baptistcare Riverside Bowling Green, Perth, WA

Baptistcare Riverside is a retirement village near Canning River in the suburb of South Perth. For the social and health benefits of residents, the facility has a focus on community spaces, with a swimming pool, gym, barbeque area and a bowling green. With only 81 units in the retirement village, the community is close knit.

Project Design Brief

When constructing the bowling green, designers faced several issues with finished floor levels as it was constructed after the units had been built. A key part of the design brief was to keep pavements as flat as possible for ease of access around the site. Designers also wanted a drainage system that would be as discreet as possible and easy to maintain.

ACO's Solution


  • The 0.5% built-in slope in the KS100 system allowed the new pavement to be constructed as flat as possible and still provide efficient flow in the drainage run to the outlet
  • Running parallel with the rectangular pavers, the Brickslot top blended seamlessly with the surrounding pavement
  • The access unit provides easy access for maintenance
Baptistcare Riverside Bowling Green, Perth
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