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Proclamation Park Athletics Track, Ringwood, Vic

The Victorian State Government and Maroondah City Council recently funded a new pavilion and athletics track at Proclamation Park. Proclamation Park is home to a number of clubs, including little athletics, professional athletics, cricket and baseball. The new pavilion provides new facilities to the park’s community, including accessible change rooms and amenities, gym, canteen and a community meeting space.

Project Design Brief

Designers wanted to upgrade the existing track to a modern synthetic track. However, the upgrade created some problems for designers with the existing levels. To ensure surface stormwater runoff would not flow from the new pavilion building across the outside lanes of the track, a drainage system was required.

ACO's Solution


  • The sloped System 4000 provides 0.6% fall along its run length to ensure efficient run-off of water towards outlets
  • Unlike a metal edge, the polymer concrete edge on System 4000 would not damage the synthetic track material
  • The Slotted Galvanised grate provides sufficient intake capacity for runoff from the pavilion
Proclamation Park Athletics Track
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