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Manuka Oval, Canberra, ACT

Manuka Oval is Canberra’s premier venue for AFL and Cricket in the ACT. A recent refurbishment added temporary seats and a new media and corporate facility. The Hawke and Bradman stands, entry facilities and the playing field were also upgraded.

Project Design Brief

Designers faced several ponding issues around the edge of the playing field and required a durable and easy to maintain trench drainage system. A trench drain would remove surface water from the newly contoured playing surface and from the new spectator facilities.

ACO's Solution


  • KlassikDrain’s Polycreteregistration mark Channels comprise an integrally cast galvanised steel rail
    which provides a straight restraining edge for the grass
  • KlassikDrain’s Polycreteregistration mark Channels come with Quicklok boltless locking mechanisms
    to facilitate quick access and locking to the trench drain for easy maintenance
  • Composite Slotted Heelsaferegistration mark Anti-Slip grates meet class D210KN – AS 3996 and
    are durable enough to withstand traffic from mowers, tractors and rollers
Manuka Oval
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